The Maine-Anjou Beef Australia National Sale at Bendigo yielded success with bulls selling to a top of $7,500 and females topping at $5,300.
The $7,500 sale topper was Maine-Park Konrad offered by C Worden and B Fry, Maine Park, Knowsley.
The bull had an accolade of ribbons to his name and the ease of calving proof with the birth of a 32kg calf from a first calving heifer weeks before the sale.
The sought after bull eventually sold after more than an hour of bidding in Landmark’s Helmsman Auction to R Crack, King Island.
The $5,300 top priced female was the poll Chalon Kelly offered by M Williams, Chalon, Mt Gambier.
Kelly in calf to Chalon Jackpot was sold back to South Australia with B Griffin.
This year’s sale, conducted by Landmark and Landmark Embling average $2,780 and a total of 21 lots of the 24 sold.
The first Maine-Anjou Beef Australia National Sale proved the worth of the breed and the sale result has further boosted confidence in the Maine-Anjou breed.